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Deutsche Version

In the May in 2003 I spent a week-end in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Here a short report on all interesting piece of information.

Visas:  The visa situation is relatively easy, actually. This 'actually' refers to the fact that the Consulate General in Munich just moved to another address as I wanted to got my visa, that in April and May many different holidays are in Germany and the Ukraine and the consulate has closed in all these holidays, that consulate has always closed on Thursdays and had closed by the relocation still during some additional days. In short, they have not open for business at all. For visas you need a passport, a photo, a health insurance of AXA you will receive very fast(directly call, insurance policy comes by FAX or post, amount is for transferring) and the completed visa form, as well as some money. Individual traveling is possible easily, you must give private visa with the address in the Ukraine. Visas fees are given, express visas means hand out your visa form, went to the bank and transferring money, come back and fetch passport with visas. With the entry the address on the entry form must be given! It is not allowed to take the Ukrainian currency Griwna outside.
Flight:  There are flights from Warsaw, Prague and Vienna, I flew with Austrian Airlines from Munich via Vienna. No problems, the airport in Kiev is a normal international airport with western standard, the entry was completely unproblematic. The airport is relatively far outside from Kiev, like in Munich what creates additional fees for the taxi.
Kiev:  Kiev is a relatively unproblematic nearly western style metropolis. Almost everywhere you can pay with dollar, exchange offices also exist and machines for EC and credit card available. I was on the 9th May in Kiev, this is the 'Day of Victory' (2nd world war in 1945) which is celebrated here very in detail. The city center was blocked off completely, at least 100000 people were in the city center and then at 10 o'clock there were still fireworks. It was very interesting to see celebrating in such a way, because this day is, of course, not celebrated in Germany.
You should visit the cave cloister, the old part of the town and a ship journey on the Dnjepr.

Published 02/27/2004
Last update 02/27/2004
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